So last weekend we bought some couches. We only meant to hit Best Buy to pick up a $30 modem. But Wickes Furniture was right next door, beckoning us to come in and sit on all forty-three of their couches.
And so we did.
We bought two couches. They look like this.
Just kidding. They look like this.
In life, they're not as zydeco-looking. The blue is darker than what shows up in the picture. The swirly pillows are solid blue on the other side, so you can flip them over if you're not feeling particularly zippy that day.
Bernie helped us with our credit application. He was sixty-ish and tired-looking. But very nice. I think that's why J and I weren't scared away from the store. Everyone was very friendly and laid-back, letting us browse leisurely, not hovering over us with big, scary grins and commissioned dollar signs winking in their eyes. In fact, it was so pleasant, I thought about writing a letter to the company telling them so. And I wanted to tell them that if wanted more people coming into the store, perhaps they'd consider updating their logo colors from the pink and teal combo (shudder) that screams out "cheap 80's stuff"
to a nice blue and grey or something, no?
But the letter was beginning to sound snarky. Besides, who am I to advise on style? I wear leg warmers. So I didn't.
We got the Scotch-guard treatment. For the fabric, that is. Bernie said it protects the couch fabric from spills, stains, rips and bodily fluids. It even states that verbatim in their 7 Year Upholstered Fabric Protection Program, "Human bodily fluid stains," right above "Pet bodily fluid stains" and "Rips." To clarify, we got the treatment in hopes it'll prevent rips from Milo and Zoe's claws.
The couches will arrive this Saturday. I'm thrilled. Oh, we also bought a kitchen table. I have grand visions of waking up with plenty of time to brew a nice, freshly ground dark roast and chuckling over funny bits in the morning paper all spread out over the gleaming tabletop. Most likely, I'll still be waking up 20 minutes before having to leave and stub my toe on the table leg as I'm blearily heading for the bathroom.
And so we did.
We bought two couches. They look like this.

Just kidding. They look like this.

In life, they're not as zydeco-looking. The blue is darker than what shows up in the picture. The swirly pillows are solid blue on the other side, so you can flip them over if you're not feeling particularly zippy that day.
Bernie helped us with our credit application. He was sixty-ish and tired-looking. But very nice. I think that's why J and I weren't scared away from the store. Everyone was very friendly and laid-back, letting us browse leisurely, not hovering over us with big, scary grins and commissioned dollar signs winking in their eyes. In fact, it was so pleasant, I thought about writing a letter to the company telling them so. And I wanted to tell them that if wanted more people coming into the store, perhaps they'd consider updating their logo colors from the pink and teal combo (shudder) that screams out "cheap 80's stuff"

to a nice blue and grey or something, no?

But the letter was beginning to sound snarky. Besides, who am I to advise on style? I wear leg warmers. So I didn't.
We got the Scotch-guard treatment. For the fabric, that is. Bernie said it protects the couch fabric from spills, stains, rips and bodily fluids. It even states that verbatim in their 7 Year Upholstered Fabric Protection Program, "Human bodily fluid stains," right above "Pet bodily fluid stains" and "Rips." To clarify, we got the treatment in hopes it'll prevent rips from Milo and Zoe's claws.
The couches will arrive this Saturday. I'm thrilled. Oh, we also bought a kitchen table. I have grand visions of waking up with plenty of time to brew a nice, freshly ground dark roast and chuckling over funny bits in the morning paper all spread out over the gleaming tabletop. Most likely, I'll still be waking up 20 minutes before having to leave and stub my toe on the table leg as I'm blearily heading for the bathroom.
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